Thursday, August 30, 2007

Our trip to Quebec

We headed to Quebec in mid August to visit with Steve's family... Jimmy and Jen flew in from Edmonton and Ken & Nancy and the boys were on their way home from Florida so we were all together for a few days at Jeanne & Bob's. It was a good time all around... warmer weather would have been nice (maybe we could have got in the pool) but we can't have it all. It was neat to see Nathan & Logan (15 days and16 lbs apart). We also spent a few days at Steve's dad's and got to go quading and raspberry picking with Hannah... she just loved it.

St. Method -- Steve's Dad's place.

Hannah taking a pictures with her cell phone.

Four Generations of Marois men.

Old Quebec..
Promenade des Gouverneurs... could there be any more stairs??
We carried Nathan in his stroller up what must have been close to 1000 stairs. Hannah did them all by herself, she walked around Vieux Quebec for 2 1/2 hours and still wanted to walk some more.

La Citadelle

Les Chutes Mont Morency

Hot Air Balloon Fesitval in Montreal... they flew just over Jeanne & Bob's house, Hannah was beyond excited... she was running in circles yelling balloons, balloons,balloons.

Shopping on St. Cathrine's street in Montreal...we didn't get much shopping done but we did get an eye full thanks to our parking in the Rainbow district.

The Cousins

Back at our house.

More pictures from our summer!

Nathan's first time seeing Lobster up close... Hannah is pointing at it but wouldn't get close!

Tuesday, August 28, 2007

Can't believe Summer is almost over!!!

I can't belive how time flies.... It feels like summer just started and here it is the end of August. We had a busy summer, with Mom & Dad here for most of July and then we headed off to Quebec for 10 days this month to visit with Steve's family. I have been working, Steve has been in the field and we got a new Odessey and a new computer, very productive summer all around. So here are a few pictures of our summer!

These were taken on our trip to Cape Breton to pick up Nan and visit with Grand Nan, Grand Pop, Aunt Mary and Uncle Ivan.

The two little girls in the following pictues belong to an old friend of mine (I had not seen her in over 20 years and funny thing she married a guy I went to grade 8 with). Our girls are all about the same age...

Playing in the back yard tying to beat the Heat!