Tuesday, October 16, 2007

Eating Bones

Ok so Nathan is the pickiest eater ever... he will only eat what he wants when he wants, has to feed himself and if he doesn't like the feel of a food forget it getting near his mouth. Last night I made ribs for supper, Hannah is almost three and it was the first time she has eated them... Nathan is sitting at the table making all kinds of noise so Steve litterally thows him a bone and the kid goes crazy... then we managed to swap the bare bone for one with meat on it and he never looked back... He ate two full bones. I am still in shock that he actually ate meat on a bone!!

Saturday, October 13, 2007

Welcome Home Troops!!

Yesterday the base held its official Welcome home celebration for the troops and just like the one for before they left the weather did not cooperate. We did get there without being soaked to the bone and we had a good time, the petting zoo was the highlight of our day as Nathan has not seen too many animals in his life and his reactions were priceless. (The little baby goat that Hannah & I are checking out was born only 3 hours before.)


We took the kids out to pick pumpkins last weekend... they just loved it. Hannah had to find the perfect one and Nathan was amazed at all the orange balls!!


Some family fun out at Odel Park in Fredericton. The leaves were just coming in to color... good thing we went last weekend as this weekend is really wet... rain rain and more rain.