Monday, July 31, 2006

Moncton ZOO

Well this past Friday Steve and I thought to be daring, take a 20 month old & a two week old to the zoo for some family time. At the beginning you'd have thought we were another zoo attraction what with Nathan trying to nurse the first time in public and Hannah having a melt down. However, once all that was done we really enjoyed our day. Hannah got a charge out of all the animals. There is one area where you can go in and mingle with the pigmy goats, Steve and Hannah were hilliarous. Hannah had cookie on her shirt so needless to say the goats loved her... she on the other hand not so sure about the goats. Nathan slept through most of his day.

Sunday, July 23, 2006

Just to compare

Just thought I show pictures of Hannah & Nathan taken about the same time, just to see if they look a like. I may get lucky with Nathan... he looks like he is getting my brown eyes... a little early to be sure but they are dark. (Sorry Hannah's picture was taken before we had a good digital camera. Hannah is 8 days old in her photo and Nathan is 10 days.)

P. S. Just wanted to say Congrats to Grand Nan and Pop for 56 years of marriage yesterday.

New pics

Just enough time to post a few new pictures of Hannah & Nathan before Steve's uncle Rene and his girlfriend arrive. We are adjusting well and Hannah especially can't get enough of her bebe. She is so cute with him it melts my heart. The top photo goes to show you why she thinks he is a dolly. He literally is the same size!!!

Wednesday, July 19, 2006

Happy Aniversary

Hard to believe that we've been married for three years today. A lot has changed in a short time. Our first anniversary saw me on bed rest and Steve jumping from a helio, the second we moved into our new home here in Oromocto and this year we have a little boy just a week old.

This year we celebrated BIG. We enjoyed a lovely dinner with our very special companions at the best restaurant in town. For those of you trying to guess that would be Hannah and Nathan and dinner at the Golden Arches. What an event!! Next year we hope to try something a little more romantic.

Nathan' s first few days

Tuesday, July 18, 2006

First few days

Well all is well in the Laforge household. We have managed to survive the first few days at home with two kids... we weren't sure how well it would go but so far it has been amazing. Nathan sleeps well (knock on wood). He nurses well and at night we have gotten anywhere from 3- 4 1/2 hours of sleep in a row. He has already gained weight and is now 5 lbs 13 oz and I sware if he continues to eat like this he will be 10 lbs before we know it. Hannah just adores her little brother and has become quite the little mommy in just a few days. She gets mad at Steve when he doesn't cover Nathan with a blanket and is very bossy when it comes time to put him in his car seat... don't you know how to do up the buckles Mama? I am feeling ok. Good thing we rented a pump right away this time however as again I could nurse quadruplets... I would not do well during the pregnancy but I would definetly have enough milk to feed them after. Steve has taken a few weeks off work to help out and get to know Nathan... what a blessing. Hannah is in heaven having her daddy home to play with.

Thursday, July 13, 2006

Coming home

The rest of the crew finally made it home today around 3:00pm. What a car ride it was with Hannah the BIG sister wanting to help her little brother out with the blanket in the face (not). She was so excited to go and pick-up her mom and her new brother it was priceless. After only 36 hrs and a circumcision the 2 of them got discharged from the hospital. Nathan is enjoying is meals (mommy) and sleeping well so far (finger crossed). Take care we need some sleep!!!!!!

Wednesday, July 12, 2006

A Little Boy has arrived!

Well Tracy started into a pattern around 08:30 pm July the 11th (that's 36 weeks and 4 days). We arrived at the hospital at 11:45 pm and the little one decided to arrive into this world at 3:11 am on the 12th of July 06. After only 15 minutes of pushing and drug free (except for laughing gas) Nathan Hunter Laforge was born weighting 5 lbs 11oz leaving no time for mommy to get an epideral. All parties were noticed some were sleeping, some don't answer there phone in the middle of the night. Take care Tracy can be reached at 450-3503 in her own room. Nathan will spend a few days in NICU just to be sure, but he is doing well.

Sunday, July 9, 2006


What a weekend we have had. Friday night it felt like we were going into labor with my contractions coming every 3-7 mins overnight. Needless to say I didn't get much sleep and was very uncomfortable. Saturday morning with me still contracting Steve and his buddies stained our back deck (finally we have been meaning to do so for almost a year). What a difference a little stain can do. It looks like new. As for me the contractions continued all day about 6-10 mins appart. (I don't want to go to the hospital too early as they won't help them out yet so Hannah and I went for a long walk with no real change. Talk about wonderful weather this weekend yesterday it was 33 degrees out (Steve shoulders will atest to the heat).
Today we decided to venture around the local area and headed out to Mactaquac provincial park. What a blast. Free entry with our REC passes. Hannah just loved the water and sand. We played sand castles and splashed around for a few hours (we are kicking ourselves in the butt as we forgot to take the camera with us for her first real adventure at the beach.) She was so cute in her bikini and sun hat.
The above pictures were taken when we got home and played out in the backyard for a bit. (My belly sure has grown this last week -- we are now 36 weeks)

Saturday, July 1, 2006

Canada Day

Well today is Hannah first experience with a Canada celebration. We decided to partake in the local festivities down by the river's edge, along the way we got to watch the parade and met half the town on the side of the roads. Town is so small that literally every road we travelled on was closed at some point. Hannah got to see her first petting zoo. She didn't pet the animals however, but watched as the chickens tried to escape and we all got a good laugh out of the girl trying to catch them. Needless to say being new to the Pioneer Days/ Canada day celebrations here in town we should have ate (got in line at least) as soon as we arrived at the festival grounds, because by the time we decided to eat so had everyone else in town. I got my mini donuts at least on our way to the truck. The excitment (plus getting up at 6:15) must have done Hannah in because by the time we made the 10 min drive home she was passed out cold (I'll include pictures when I figure out how to.)

My uncle Lloyd and Aunt Bev arrived in time for a late supper. Aunt Bev got her first look at Hannah in the flesh. They stopped in only for a little while, passing through from Ontario on their way to Newfounland for a holiday. Nice visit.