Tuesday, July 18, 2006

First few days

Well all is well in the Laforge household. We have managed to survive the first few days at home with two kids... we weren't sure how well it would go but so far it has been amazing. Nathan sleeps well (knock on wood). He nurses well and at night we have gotten anywhere from 3- 4 1/2 hours of sleep in a row. He has already gained weight and is now 5 lbs 13 oz and I sware if he continues to eat like this he will be 10 lbs before we know it. Hannah just adores her little brother and has become quite the little mommy in just a few days. She gets mad at Steve when he doesn't cover Nathan with a blanket and is very bossy when it comes time to put him in his car seat... don't you know how to do up the buckles Mama? I am feeling ok. Good thing we rented a pump right away this time however as again I could nurse quadruplets... I would not do well during the pregnancy but I would definetly have enough milk to feed them after. Steve has taken a few weeks off work to help out and get to know Nathan... what a blessing. Hannah is in heaven having her daddy home to play with.