Tuesday, March 20, 2007

March madness!

Can't believe it is already almost the end of March... sorry it has taken so long to post again but everyone here has been down with a cold since we came home from Jamaica... Steve first followed by me and then the kids got it one on top of the other, fevers and chills for a couple of days plus all the other symptoms of a nasty cold. I spent 6 hours in "Emergency" yesterday because Hannah's eyes have been swollen for the past few days. Turns out she has bilateral ear infections and Nathan does too. (I say Emergency in quotes because 98 % of the people who use it either don' t have a family physician or if they are like us it take a month to get in to see your doctor for anything, so really it is not used as an Emergency room. I am not kidding I called Feb 27 to see if I could get Nathan in to see his doctor for a nasty case of eczema covering his back and diaper area and the earliest appointment that I could get was for March 26, needless to say we made another trip to the Oromocto ER that week. It feels like heath care in this province is years behind.) I did get both kids weighed however --- Hannah is 30 lbs and 35 inches tall and Nathan weighed in a 18 lbs 7 oz and is 28 inches tall. They are growing so fast. Other than the colds all is well here. The snow has really melted and hopefully we won't get too much rain this year. We did have snow this past weekend coupled with freezing rain and a beautiful snow fall aging this morning... but now the sun is shining and the roads are dry. Speaking of roads.... Steve drove to Halifax last Friday and can you believe it got our Jeep back!!!!!!!!! It was only in the garage for 30 days.... talk about service. We are just happy to have it back.