Tuesday, May 22, 2007

Thanks for including us!

Well sorry it has taken me so long to post but really I am just getting over the shock of the whole thing... We just want to say thanks to Brent and Megan as well as Mr. & Mrs. Tipper for including us in your incredible week and for shocking the crap out of Mom and Dad. For those of you who didn't know it the whole family was in Edmonton for a week just to celebrate Brent & Megan's engagement... what a blast. It was a whirl wind to say the least... two days notice to pack the kids and gear up for a week long visit. And I must say I am very proud of myself for not spilling the beans to Mom (I can admit it I have a hard time keeping a secret), but man was it worth it.

Thank goodness Steve came with us I don't think I could have done this myself.

We arrived in Edmonton on the evening of the 7th (the kids were in great spirits although neither one slept much on our three connections) and headed straight to Mom and Dad's. Mom was just getting ready for a bath (bath robe and all) when she heard all the commotion Brent was making. When she opened the door here standing before her was the whole Crew along with Jimmy, Jen and Donna and Greg Tipper (her soon to be in-laws). The expression on her face was priceless.

We couldn't stand the wait and so Mom made an emergency phone call to Dad at work...."yes I'm OK I just need you to come home immediately"--she says. Dad thought Mom crashed the car... and when he came in the garage door we were all in the living room... he comes around the corner and to I would say his amazement was Hannah running yelling "POP". He was stunned it was absolutely amazing.

The rest of the week was great... was nice getting to meet Megan's parents and grandparents... although I am sure they were relieved to see me get on the plane home (ha ha). I did even get to see the venue for the wedding next year (Fantasy Land Hotel) and Megan's dress (beautiful). We got to do a little shopping, take Hannah to Fantasy Land (she had a blast), had just enough time for a small gathering at Mom & Dad to celebrate for the newly engaged and then a beautiful Mother's Day Brunch with the Tipper family.

Steve even had the chance to help Jimmy build his deck... after all what are brothers for.

A few more pictures from our jiffy vacation!!