Thursday, June 28, 2007

Saint-Jean Baptiste Day

So last Saturday was a busy day, after the Strawberry Social at the MFRC we headed into town to look at new vehicles and then home for a brief nap for Hannah & Nathan. We were headed off that evening for St-Jean Baptiste festivities by the river. (For those of you unfamiliar, as I was last year, it is a celebration for the patron saint of French Canadians...The evolution of St-Jean-Baptiste Day from a religious to a nationalist celebration was complete by 1975. In 1976, the Province of Quebec government passed legislation making it the official national holiday of Quebec and an official paid holiday. The name of the holiday was then changed to la Fete Nationale, though many still refer to it as St-Jean-Baptiste Day.) (In Quebec apparently it is more celebrated than Canada Day...but not here!!) Anyway it was a fun outing with some of our French friends... there was prizes for the first 50 people (hence my floral attire), hot dogs & hamburgers to eat, drinks, music, a bonfire and fireworks. The kids had a blast... and both were awake at 11 to see the fireworks go OK though cause they slept in
till 10 am on Sunday.