Thursday, November 29, 2007

Getting in the Spririt!!

This past weekend was the Santa Clause Parade here in Fredericton, the weather turned cold that day but not nearly as cold as it has been out west, but we did need to dress in our warmest. Hannah enjoyed the parade, Nathan on the other hand didn't see much of it as he was tucked into the Chariot all snug and warm.
Steve left on Sunday for 3 weeks in Borden so that left me to decorated the house for Christmas with my favorite helpers... They were great, we only broke a few ornaments when Hannah decided that they should all hang together on the same branch... lesson learned by all...either I need non breakable ornaments or more direct supervision is needed...however no one was hurt in the incident.

Marie Josee & I waiting for the Santa Clause parade to start.

Hannah checking out the view.

Nathan & Hannah checking out all the ornaments...

Can't you see I'm decorating Mom??

What do you mean the balls have to stay on the tree?