Friday, September 1, 2006

Steve is off!!!!!!

Well today was Steve's last day at work for the next 4 months. He decided to take some parental leave as I didn't earn enough hours to take any this time...and this will be his last opportunity to do so. We are really looking forward to having daddy around full time for a while. Nathan went for a check up on Tuesday and is a whopping 10 lbs 1 oz and 22 inches long (he was 7 weeks old on Wednesday) is he ever getting big, he is growing out of most of his clothes... good thing Logan is such a big guy... Aunt Nancy and Uncle Ken and the boys are coming up this weekend, and are bringing us some clothes for Nathan...just in time I was going to start dressing him in pink dresses...kidding.

Hard to believe that it is already the First of September. We have decided to take the kids back to Edmonton to visit... and are leaving in just 18 more sleeps... I don't know who is more excited me or Mom... (definetly mom according to Brent). It should be a good time, mom and dad are on vacation for most of it and Jimmy& Jenn's house should be ready while we are there... so we'll get to check it out. We will also get Nathan baptised on Oct. 8th at the base church.

Jimmy & Jenn have set the date and location for their wedding........Jamaica, Ocho Rios... Feb. 14th. What a vacation.