Friday, September 15, 2006

Two months old already.

Time sure flies when you have children. Nathan was two months old this past Tuesday... can't believe it. He is doing well, growing like a weed. We had a doctor's appointment and his needles that day. He weights 11 lbs 5 oz and is 22 5/8 inches long.
Hannah is still in love with her baby brother. She has begun talking non stop... wonder were she gets that from.... apparently some genetic mix up happened. It is so funny to hear her go... she mixes French and English and she is getting very bossy. It seems like every other word is NO MINE, or NO mommy, daddy. I am beginning to wonder if she will ever out grow NO and learn YES. My parents are going to get a kick out of her that is for sure.
I am so excited we only have 3 more sleeps until we fly back to Edmonton for just short of a month. I can't wait to introduce our families & friends to Nathan and show off Hannah and her smarty pants. We are however not really looking forward to flying with two young children but Hannah has her own seat and will have to be buckled into her car seat for the flight, so that may help or make life miserable. We are tempted to rent a U-haul to get us home to Mom & Dad's what with all the stuff we are bringing but hopefully both our brothers will also be at the airport to meet us, and thankfully they both have trucks.
The pictures are of Hannah eating the chocolate cake she helped mommy was she ever excited about helping and even more so about eating it. Nathan showing off his first band aid, mommy & kids this morning and Hannah trying to push mommy around in her toy car... needless to say mommy got stuck and needed help getting out so Steve took the opportunity to take a picture.