Monday, November 27, 2006

One month left!!!!!!!!

Can you believe just one month left till Christmas and the arrival of the Pere Noel (and grandpere Noel too since Steve's dad and his stepmom will be joining us for my first Christmas away from home). Steve's sister Nancy and her family came up to visit this weekend and we got to see Santa Clause twice in one day. We went to the Oromocto mall and had the kids picture taken, both Hannah and Nathan crying, too funny. Then Saturday night we went in to Fredericton and saw the Santa Clause parade. It was nice to get the cousins together again, we won't be able too do so much next year as the Jones' are off to Florida for 7 months (they leave in Jan.). Hannah was practicing for a few days -- No Joshua my toy-- but she was so excited to have him here to play with. It will be so much fun when the younger two get a little older and they too can play together. Nathan wasn't too sure of Logan when they first arrived -- I'd been joking with him than Logan would eat him or squish him, he thought it was funny until they got here and Logan reached out to grab his arm.... Nathan cried and cried. I still can't get past the fact that they are only two weeks apart.