Wednesday, January 24, 2007

Brent and Megan

I just wanted to say congratulations to Brent and Megan on the purchase of their new home. I am so happy for you both can't wait to see what it looks like.
See you both on the beach in Jamaica. Can't believe it is only 2 1/2 weeks away.

Sunday, January 21, 2007

Saturday at the market

Photos of Hannah and I last Saturday at the Farmers Market in Fredericton taken by

Saturday, January 20, 2007

Red Firday Rally

Human Flag
Photo courtesy of Canadian Armed ForcesPrivate Shilo Adamson, CFB Gagetown

Talk about a celebration.... it was a Red Friday Rally here in Oromocto yesterday. The base had a party to wish its members deploying to Afghanistan good luck and it gave all military members and their families a chance to celebrate together. The afternoon for Steve started off with a parade in heavy wet snow... we stayed home and napped. Then for all the families the afternoon commenced with a human flag attempt in a field of snow... must say it looked very cool from the pictures we saw. Then there was food, musical acts, face painting, magician, air brush tattoos, bouncy castles, dancing, bowling, skating, military family photos, and cotton candy & popcorn. All community members were welcome and despite the weather (snow, rain, snow) it was well attended. Hannah had a blast dancing in the field house to band from Cape Breton... she could not stop dancing much to the amusement of many around us.

Nathan & Steve ready for Red Friday.

Hannah dancing her heart out (photos don't do it justice). She literally could not stop moving.

Nathan enjoying his first concert in style.

Hannah teaching Nathan to dance.

Steve getting his grove on.... Hannah is trying to teach him too.

Winter has arrived!!

Well I can honestly say that winter has arrived here in Oromocto. Monday we had a heavy snowfall .... so much so that Steve even managed to use the snow blower (only the second time since we've been here... so much for you'll have tones of snow in NB). Then yesterday we had another large down fall with fat wet snow flakes... beautiful until it turned into rain... and later snow again.

Monday, January 15, 2007

New pajamas!

I love my new pj's Auntie Shelly.... they are a little too big but I'll grow in to them I'm sure.

Night time routine.... Hannah loves to read Franklin.
Nathan helping daddy do the laundry.
We start them out young!!!!
Hannah and her daddy.

Can I have a bite please!!!!! What a little mooch!

Just a few new photos of the kids!

Nathan eating a Farley biscuit... He just loved them.
What a mess to clean up.

Hannah & Nathan with their Christmas gifts from the Anderson's .... so cute teddy bears with pj and robes... and the same outfits for the kids.

We are really doing well at this potty training thing. We went out all day Saturday and Hannah stayed dry... she did great with her clothes on.

Friday, January 12, 2007

Tub 6 months old.

Hannah at 6 months old...check out my cheeks.

Nathan at 6 months my speedo?

Tuesday, January 9, 2007

Let's compare again

So this is Hannah at just over 6 months, she is in a size 3 diaper, was 17 lbs 13 1/2 oz and 25 1/2 inches long (notice the extra fold in her forearm).

This is Nathan this morning, so not quite 6 months old, size 2 diaper, must be close to 18 lbs, and was 26 inches long last month.

They still have similarities though... bald head, little nose, chubby cheeks.

Eye color however is very different... Hannah's have alway been vivid blue, whereas Nathan's are steely blue, or some days green.

Can you still get your feet in your mouth?

Monday, January 8, 2007

Let the potty training begin.

Well I finally took the big plunge... I started potty training Hannah this past Thursday. Just thought I should really try and put the pressure on myself since Steve returned to work on Tuesday. Anyway she is doing really well... a few accidents... thank goodness for hardwood. She is still having a hard time telling me when she has clothes on but naked we do pretty good... needless to say we are not venturing far... I don't think everyone else would appreciate our naked child running around.

We did venture out on Sunday to take the kids skating. Hannah got bob skates from Nan & Pop for Christmas and we decide to try them out. She just loved it. She must have done three laps of the rink, it was a little hard on the back... having to hold on to her the whole time but it was easily forgotten when you would hear her yelling "I doing it, I patiner".

The best was went the screw came loose and the front of her "skate" fell off. Steve promptly fixed the situation and she was clamoring off of him to get back on the ice. She was not easily convinced to get off the ice.

Nathan just loves to be pushed around in the warmth of his bunting bag from Pop.

Monday, January 1, 2007

Florida Bound!!

The Jones
Locked & loaded.... could you fit any more stuff in the van?
Hannah saying good bye to her "little" cousin Logan "the Tank" Jones.
Can't believe they are almost the same weight (28-29lbs) and 18 months apart.

Logan's food intake for a day... kidding this will last a few days.
Check out my cheeks.

Well the Jones are officially Florida bound. They left us this morning on their way to spend a few days with the parents, first Noel & Anita's and then to Bob & Jeanne's for a last visit before heading off to Florida for the next 7 months. We just wanted to wish Ken, Nancy, Joshua & Logan good luck, Take care & we'll see you in September.

More Photos

Hannah loves to copy Mommy
Hannah, Logan & Josh (Nathan was sleeping)
The boys in their first race cars.
Story time (it actually works with two on my lap)

Happy New Year!

Can you believe it is already 2007!!

What a party we had (we were in bed by 12:30)!! Ken, Nancy, Joshua and Logan stopped by Saturday on their way through to Montreal, so they were with us to ring in the New Year. They boys had a little too much to drink Saturday night so they were kinda mellow last night. We did make it down to the riverside to enjoy some wonderful fireworks (the first time Oromocto has done so). They were fantastic... we were the closest to the display I have ever been. Hannah just loved them. (Forgive me I forgot the camera again, mass chaos on our departure and it got left behind.) We were out, saw the fireworks and back within one hour.