Monday, January 8, 2007

Let the potty training begin.

Well I finally took the big plunge... I started potty training Hannah this past Thursday. Just thought I should really try and put the pressure on myself since Steve returned to work on Tuesday. Anyway she is doing really well... a few accidents... thank goodness for hardwood. She is still having a hard time telling me when she has clothes on but naked we do pretty good... needless to say we are not venturing far... I don't think everyone else would appreciate our naked child running around.

We did venture out on Sunday to take the kids skating. Hannah got bob skates from Nan & Pop for Christmas and we decide to try them out. She just loved it. She must have done three laps of the rink, it was a little hard on the back... having to hold on to her the whole time but it was easily forgotten when you would hear her yelling "I doing it, I patiner".

The best was went the screw came loose and the front of her "skate" fell off. Steve promptly fixed the situation and she was clamoring off of him to get back on the ice. She was not easily convinced to get off the ice.

Nathan just loves to be pushed around in the warmth of his bunting bag from Pop.