Saturday, January 20, 2007

Red Firday Rally

Human Flag
Photo courtesy of Canadian Armed ForcesPrivate Shilo Adamson, CFB Gagetown

Talk about a celebration.... it was a Red Friday Rally here in Oromocto yesterday. The base had a party to wish its members deploying to Afghanistan good luck and it gave all military members and their families a chance to celebrate together. The afternoon for Steve started off with a parade in heavy wet snow... we stayed home and napped. Then for all the families the afternoon commenced with a human flag attempt in a field of snow... must say it looked very cool from the pictures we saw. Then there was food, musical acts, face painting, magician, air brush tattoos, bouncy castles, dancing, bowling, skating, military family photos, and cotton candy & popcorn. All community members were welcome and despite the weather (snow, rain, snow) it was well attended. Hannah had a blast dancing in the field house to band from Cape Breton... she could not stop dancing much to the amusement of many around us.

Nathan & Steve ready for Red Friday.

Hannah dancing her heart out (photos don't do it justice). She literally could not stop moving.

Nathan enjoying his first concert in style.

Hannah teaching Nathan to dance.

Steve getting his grove on.... Hannah is trying to teach him too.